Nature's Drummers
I will fully admit it, I am a bird nerd.
My favourite feathered friends, by far, are woodpeckers. They are fast and flighty, aggressive and bold. We are lucky enough to be home to 7 different species of woodpeckers. From the iconic Pileated to the tiny Downy, they all hold a special place in our hearts.
Northern Flicker
Red-headed Woodpecker
The woodpeckers of Ontario embody the spirit of the forest, their rhythmic drumming echoing through the wilderness. As stewards of the land, it is our responsibility to appreciate and protect these charismatic birds, ensuring that future generations can continue to marvel at their beauty and resilience in the heart of Ontario’s woodlands.
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker and Downy Woodpecker
In an effort to support our local woodpecker population, we have come up with a scrumptious woodpecker butter, we’ve named Timber Treat! (Red-headed Woodpecker illustration by @avestatts) We tested a number of formulations and we came up with a very tempting snack that brings all the woodpeckers to the feeders and gives them that extra sustenance to help them through the seasons. Timber Treat is available for sale to our guests and our local friends. This spring we will also be offering for sale, simple but functional Timber Treat woodpecker feeders, like the one pictured above! Please inquire to about purchasing!